Most people take care of their skin. With proper care the skin will be smooth and beautiful. But all this is known to everyone. Most people use a variety of products available in the market to look beautiful. Everyone knows this too.
But what most people don't know is ..? Ayurvedic skin care has some drawbacks.
Like it takes time for results
These details are provided by RESEARCH by health experts and studies.
This article is just for your understanding.
Note :
The best way is to consult a doctor if you have any minor health problems.
However very few people are aware of this. Errors are mistakes. There are three types of our body as a whole. They are called tridoshas. Why are these called bugs ...?
Today we will see why these are called mistakes.
Feed these if children want to gain weight.
All our camels have three types of defects namely vata, bile and sputum.
But today we will learn about many things related to these. See why this is so late. This will let you know many unknown things. This will tell you a lot about your beauty.
It is also easy to know how to take care of things. Let us look at several things for this.
Did we mention that there are three bugs. The Ayurvedic doctor says a few things about it. Most people do not know these things and let us know them. It is said that there are five types of elements in our environment, namely air, water, fire, earth and ningi, as well as air and bile in our body.
If the bile is high, it can cause the skin to become too oily or sensitive. In the same way acne and scars are more common on the biliary skin. Moreover, the bile skin becomes more sensitive to the sun's rays. In the same way small wrinkles also fall on the skin. For those who have gallstones, the skin gets old quickly. Mostly it is in summer and winter. But let's also see what precautions should be taken at such a time and what kind of problems will arise.
Doing so will improve your skin. Ayurvedic experts suggest that it will not cause any problems. The doctor tells you what to do and what not to use when the bile is high. Let us now look for them as well.
Aloe vera juice works best when bile is high. Aloe vera is widely available in or around our homes. You can cut the aloe vera leaves and apply the pulp. It is a very natural remedy. This will not harm you or you can buy and use aloe vera gel which is sold directly outside.
This will give you better relief and you will look beautiful. You also see the benefits of using a clay mask. Wanted means you can even try it once. You can also apart rose water on your skin it's a best toner.
Many companies make and sell water on a daily basis. If you want it to be well available in the market you can also buy it and give it a try.
possess of all this one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
But yes it's true You can give it a try if you want. Ayurvedic experts say that if you also use asparagus and yashtimadhu, your skin will be better.
It is high and the tone on the skin is irregular everywhere which causes breakers. Sputum is mostly in spring and sometimes even in winter which is also due to excessive moisture.
Ayurvedic experts say that there are sputum problems like this. It is said that you can solve this problem when you go out in the sun.
So if you follow this method the problems caused by it will be completely eliminated. So it is better for you to follow this best solution so that you can look beautiful without any problems.
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